Monday, September 26, 2011

Let's start at the very beginning...

So I've decided to make a blog, because there's enough changes in my life that I might as well write about them. No this isn't one of those women empowerment blogs, for the most part... These are the chronicles of me becoming a domesticated, respectable "housewife". Now I also won't be discussing household chores, like dishes or laundry or anything like that (no offense to anyone who is into those kinds of things). I mean I don't enjoy doing them, so why would I bore you with them. For the most part I'm going to stick with cooking because I enjoy doing that.

Now, three things have happened to put me into this position of becoming a "Suzie Homemaker"...

1. My husband and I just moved from my hometown of Indianapolis, IN. to Kansas City, MO. for his job, leaving me with no job (there are pros and cons believe me!)

2. I am 30 weeks pregnant, which greatly limits my job search anyways, and is an adventure within itself.

3. We've just become first time homeowners, leaving our budget very minimal (I suppose that's the nice way to put it)

So I'm hoping with this blog I can share recipes that I find online, while also sharing how easy they were to make, how good it tasted, and how much it cost to pick up the ingredients. I think these will be good criteria, because let's face it in 10 weeks (more or less) I will have even less time, and obviously less money! It should be fun, and hopefully I don't catch anything on fire!